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GVL launches new settlement portal for private radio broadcasters

The 2025 broadcast year will be the first to be settled via the new licence portal.
Ein pinkes Rechteck. In der Mitte das Logo von lizenz.gvl

In close cooperation with the umbrella organisations of private media in Germany, APR and VAUNET, GVL has developed a new settlement portal for right users called lizenz.gvl. The new platform is aimed at private radio broadcasters who pay licence fees for broadcasting copyright-protected content.

As a central platform for data reporting and accounting, it will help private radio broadcasters to fulfil their legal obligations. In the future, the portal will enable right users to conclude licence agreements with GVL and submit their settlement reports, but also to manage their master data and view invoices received. The new system simplifies the settlement procedure for our rights holders without interfering with the tariff structure.

This means that the new licensing portal will completely replace the previous ‘LIRA’ platform as of 1 January 2026. The 2025 usage year has already been settled in full via lizenz.gvl. An extension to include further groups of licensees is planned.

Link zum Lizenzportal

Interview zum neuen Lizenzportal