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On 19 November, GVL's Associates‘ and Delegates’ Assembly met for its autumn session.
For the fourth and last time this year, GVL is forwarding remuneration from abroad to its rights-holding producers.
Today, GVL paid out the remuneration for event organisers.
New petition calls for clear rules for the training and use of generative AI
Come to the session ‘The GVL basics | What creatives and labels need to know’ on 13 November.
As of today, GVL pays out the remuneration of the final distribution for 2020 to its entitled artists.
The German Music Archive now allows labels to register digital releases using the DDEX standard ERN.
GVL is committed to harmonised standards in the digital music value chain. Implementation workshop on 21 November 2024
For the third time this year, recording producers and performing artists will be receiving foreign revenues.

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