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Head of Communication

Juliane Fiedler

Head of Communications


Juliane Fiedler Leiterin Kommunikation
Foto: GVL

Juliane Fiedler is Head of Communications at GVL. In this role, she is responsible for press and public relations, marketing and GVL's internal communications. Together with her team, she works on explaining GVL to over 170,000 rights holders and a wide range of stakeholders in a clear and understandable way - on various channels, from the website to social media and publications. Ensuring GVL's presence at conferences, workshops and events is also one of her tasks.

Juliane Fiedler has been working for the collecting society since 2012 and has accompanied GVL's transformation into one of the world's largest digital service providers in the field of neighbouring rights management during this time. She studied communication and media studies, business administration and sociology in Leipzig and previously worked in strategic communications consulting e.g. at "Johanssen + Kretschmer" in Berlin.