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About GVL

The world is a stage. We support the act.

Since 1959, GVL – the German Organisation for the Management of Neighbouring Rights – has represented the interests of performers and producers of sound recordings. It is our core belief that whoever renders artistic performances  or creates an economic foundation for them must receive money for the exploitation of such efforts. At, GVL, we register and process the utilisation of these accomplishments to ensure our rights holders receive fair remuneration. 

GVL: Numbers, data, facts

  • Over 180,000 rights holders 
  • €249 million collected in 2023
  • 222 million distributed in 2023
  • Global rights representation
  • more than 60 years of rights management
  • Free rights management
  • Democratic decision-making processes 
  • Licence bundling for rights users 
  • Social and cultural grants

GVL explained: An overview of what we do

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GVL explained: our videos

Our mission

For over 60 years, GVL has been committed to and passionate about fair remuneration for performers, producers and event organisers.

One-stop shop: As an intermediary between rights holders and rights users, both sides benefit from accurate distribution and negotiation structures.

Our story

Since 1959, GVL has been passionate about representing  its rights holders as one of the world’s largest collective management organisations and music licensing companies for neighbouring rights. We are pleased to take you on a journey through time and into the company history of GVL.


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In addition to our website, we have other publications you can read online or download as a PDF file.


Guido Evers and Dr. Tilo Gerlach are the Managing Directors of GVL. They are supported in their day-to-day commitment to the interests of our rights holders by our team of business unit managers and staff members.

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