

For the third time this year, GVL is forwarding royalties from abroad to its rightholders.
An interview with the Secretary General of the Deutsche Musikrat (German Music Council) and President of the Deutsche Kulturrat (German Cultural Council).
Today, GVL begins paying out artist royalties as part of the initial distribution 2021 and the subsequent distributions 2019 to 2020.
The 2022 Reeperbahn Festival took place last week. GVL was also there.
Producers: 2021 Initial distribution and subsequent distributions 2018 to 2020 for sound recordings started.
The countdown is running: About three weeks to go, then the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg opens its gates for all creatives and music aficionados.
The countdown is running: About three weeks to go, then the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg opens its gates for all creatives and music aficionados.
Today, GVL paid out the remuneration for the final distribution 2018, the subsequent distributions 2019 and 2020 and the initial distribution 2021 for music video clips.
The reporting deadline for revenues from 2016-2018 and late reporting deadline for 2014-2015 is 31.01.2023.

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