

The German pop music scene will be enhanced by a new award which is intended to recognise the diversity and quality of the various genres within popular music. As a main associate of Initiative Music, GVL welcomes the foundation of the academy for the pop music award.
The application portal hosts plenty of information and will be open with immediate effect. Each approved artistic project will be supported with EUR 5,000.
In the context of the scholarship programme of the collective management organisations in NEUSTART KULTUR which has been set up by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, GVL is planning to offer a scholarship programme of €30m.
In the course of the ordinary Assembly of Shareholders and Delegates, GVL also welcomed six new delegates and 16 re-elected delegates in the core body of GVL.
The Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten mbH (GVL) presented its annual accounts for 2020 at its Assembly of Shareholders and Delegates (GuDV) on 22 June 2021. With EUR 216.1m (2019: EUR 215.5m, +0.3%), the annual result is significantly above the estimates at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As announced, GVL distributes the individual distributions of the follow-up to the final distribution of sound recordings 2016 today.
Change is afoot in the group of the Shareholders’ Representatives at GVL:
Dr Till Völger supersedes Bernhard F. Störkmann in his role as BFFS representative, as scheduled, at the beginning of June 2021. The relay handover takes place during the 2021 Assembly of Rights Holders which takes place on 3 and 4 June digitally.
GVL will run a supplementary distribution for the usage years up to 2014 to its performers in the coming days.
Today, GVL is launching its payout of remuneration to performers whose recordings were used on an international level.

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