

From today, all rights holders will be able to access information regarding the Assembly of Rights Holders on 3 and 4 June 2021 via the InfoPortal BV2021 (
We asked Gerald Mertens, the Managing Director of the German Orchestra Association (DOV) three questions on the exceptional year 2020 and his plans for 2021.
Überbrückungshilfe [Interim aid] III and Neustarthilfe [restart aid] programmes: Turnover calculation is based on the date of the provision of services.
Last week two virtual discussion rounds have taken place as part of the new “GVL talks” – with a lot of success.
Today, GVL is going to transfer the remuneration in the course of the follow-up distributions for music video clipes for the usage years 2016 and 2017 to the producers of sound recordings.
GVL will hold its next Assembly of Rights Holders on 3 and 4 June 2021 - this will be an online only event.
The Deutsche Musikrat [German Music Council] set up a survey regarding the Corona-induced damage to music life which is running until 28 February.
This year, some significant and central distributions for performers producers and event organisers are scheduled. You can gleam which payouts happen during which semester in this overview.
Today, GVL is transferring the remuneration in the course of the 2013-2014 final distribution, the 2015-2018 regular distributions and the 2019 initial distribution for event organisers.

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