

Since the new distribution regulations on the basis of legal requirements came into force in 2016, producers of sound recordings and labels who are rights holders benefit from an increased transparency and track-based distribution today.
Even in times of corona, GVL is supporting the Opus Klassik awards this year.
In a position paper, the Federal Association of Actors (BFFS) addressed politicians at the beginning of October. In it, the GVL shareholder requests that an obligation for broadcasters and producers to provide information to collective management organisations for films should be anchored by statute.
In the course of the General Assembly of SCAPR on 7 October 2020, Dr. Tilo Gerlach, Managing Director of GVL, was re-elected into the SCAPR Board. Earlier this year, in May, he had also been confirmed as President of AEPO-ARTIS.
We recently published our Transparency report for the year 2019.
Since September 2020, Oliver Ewy has been a new member of the Assembly of Shareholders and Delegates of GVL. He takes over the seat of Thomas Schmuckert, who resigned as delegate of the actors in August.
On 29 October, the Scottish album of the year will be chosen. An international jury will make a pre-selection in 2020. Also involved: Our division manager for the rights holders’ services (labels and promoters), Dirk Löwenberg.
As planned, GVL has started the distribution to producers for sound recordings (initial distribution for 2019, subsequent distributions for 2016-2018).
In December 2020, GVL is going to run a final distribution for sound recordings to producers for the first time, in line with the new Collecting Societies Act.

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