

We can guarantee that complete documentations relating to a GVL representation agreement submitted by our rights holders prior to 14 April 2017 will be processed in the run-up to the Rights Holders’ Assembly on 05 May 2017. If you hold an executed GVL representation agreement you are entitled to and cordially invited to attend the GVL Rights Holders’ Assembly.
With regards to the closing distribution 2010-2012 we would like to draw your attention that any relevant contributions that you register in artsys.gvl by 16/04/2017 at the latest, shall definitely be taken into consideration for the closing distribution in December 2017.
GVL is making further productions available in the so-called open budgets so that members can register their contributions. From 23 February 2017, actors can register their contributions to commercials via the portal Musicians have already been able to register their contributions via the sub-budget TV advertising since 02 January 2017; actors have had access to the category documentary films (cinema/TV) since 01 February 2017 for registration purposes.
<p>GVL will hold its next rights holders’ assembly on 05 May 2017 in the Hotel Intercontinental Berlin in Berlin. At the assembly, GVL members will elect their representatives for the individual group assemblies, i.e. their delegates.</p>
GVL is making further productions available in the so-called open budgets so that members can register their contributions. Actors can register their contributions in productions from the TV sub-budget documentaries (cinema/TV) from 01 February 2017 onwards via our portal The registration of contributions for additional roles onto this sub-budget will be enabled soon.
This is the last opportunity for artists who wish to participate in the final distribution for the distribution years 2010 to 2012, but have not registered themselves with GVL yet: Up until 31 January 2017 (postmark), rights administration agreements will be accepted by GVL.
In mid-December, GVL launched the process of transferring payments to artists for distribution year 2015, and the subsequent payments for distribution years 2010 - 2014.
GVL has adapted its Articles of Association in line with the new legal requirements based on Art. 134 VGG (Act on Collective Management Organisations). Organisational changes to the association’s committee structure are only one aspect of the effects of the VGG. The principle of providing for an even stronger involvement of members and associates is now also enshrined in the law.
GVL is going to adapt its Articles of Association as well as its organisational structure based on the new legislative instrument, the Act on Collective Management Organisations (VGG) by the end of 2016. Rights holders who have already signed the current version of rights agreements will not see any changes to the applied practice as a consequence of the VGG. The rights administration agreements are going to be slightly adapted to the statutory requirements.

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