

GVL prepares for the final distribution: Not only that we have built the new portal artsys in the last few months, we have also continuously improved our internal processes. By implementing faster processes, GVL could gain time; this success GVL would like to share with your members: the registration deadline for the final distribution is extended to 31 March 2017. This date will be the final opportunity for artists and promoters of artistic events to register for their participation in the final distribution for the years 2010 to 2012.
Artists who are entitled to receive remuneration can enter into representation agreements with GVL with immediate effect - and it’s easy and user-friendly. The online form is - for the time being - avail-able to national and international artists who have not yet entered into a representation agreement with GVL on GVL’s website.
Why does a collective management organisation such as GVL exist? What type of rights does it manage, and for whom? And how do performing artists, producers, event organisers and video clip producers benefit from GVL? GVL's new explainer video answers these and other questions - promptly and comprehensibly.
The Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten (GVL) concludes its financial year 2015 with a total revenue of EUR 161.8m.
The GVL Board calls upon members of the German Bundestag not to approve the governmental draft of the Collecting Societies Act (VGG) in its current version. On the contrary, the parliamentarians should rather return to the original objective of the legislative draft, which was to support and strengthen creatives and their producers, and to finally correct the drastic maldevelopments related to blank media levies by the device manufacturers and importers.

Frankfurt/Main - In the evening of 4th April, the PRG Live Entertainment Award 2016 hit the stage for the 11th time. The prize, which is awarded annually, has become an established factor in the event and music business by now. It provides the kick-off for the Prolight+Sounds exhibition for the entertainment business on the one hand, and the Musikmesse Frankfurt (Frankfurt Music Fair) on the other hand. The latter is the international trade fair for music instruments and music score, music production and music marketing. Once again, GVL partnered up with the prize this year.
Just a few days ago, we received the sad news that Mirjam Kurz, our long-time employee, has passed away after a long illness. We grieve for a dedicated colleague, a loyal companion and a caring mother. Our thoughts are with her family, in particular her sister and her son.
The registration process for contributions to artistic productions has entered a new digitalisation phase with GVL Connect - the new interface of the synchron app for dubbing actors. From 31 January 2016, the app can be downloaded via App Store or Google Play
The Board positions of GVL Board members Dr. Nils Bortloff, Jörg Glauner, Andreas Klöpfel and Ekkehard Kuhn were confirmed by the associates of GVL at the beginning of the year. The four members represent the interests of producers of sound recordings within the GVL Board and had been appointed for a period up to 31 December 2016.

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