

GVL has just begun the payout for producers for the second follow-up distribution for the usage year 2016.
GVL begins with the artists’ original payout for the distribution year 2016.
GVL begins with the artists’ original payout for the distribution year 2016.
In the course of this year’s Associates’ and Delegates’ Assembly on 20. June 2018, GVL has announced very good financial results for the year 2017. With revenues of EUR 310m this year’s annual result exceeds that of the previous record year 2016.
For videoclip repertoire with usage in 2016 and 2017, we have planned the initial distribution for September 2018.
For the 2013 usage year, we have planned the final distribution for December 2018.
With immediate effect, GVL is paying out remuneration in the course of the regulard distributions for 2013 to 2015 to all right holders who have verified contributions for used repertoire for said distribution years.
This is the last opportunity for artists who wish to participate in the final distribution for the year 2013 but aren't registered with GVL yet: Up until 31 May 2018 (the date of the postmark shall apply), rights administration agreements will be accepted by GVL for this year.
From mid-February 2018 onwards, GVL will be making its payouts for the first ‘follow-up’ distribution for usage year 2016 The distribution which had originally been announced for 2018 needed to be postponed by a few weeks due to the artist payouts which had to be run simultaneously.

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