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Dr. Tilo Gerlach und Guido Evers, Geschäftsführer der GVL
Dr. Tilo Gerlach and Guido Evers, Managing Directors of GVL.

Statement of the General Management on 2020

Guido Evers and Dr. Tilo Gerlach, the Managing Directors of GVL, look back on the year which has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. GVL allocated €292m to its rights holders in 2020 and a €283.3m were paid out to rights holders. “GVL payments remained a financial constant for many performers and labels”, state the two Managing Directors.

Click here for the statement

2020 key operating figures

Annual comparison of total revenues*

At €216.1m, which was €0.6m more than in 2019, the annual financial results of GVL in 2020 visibly exceeded the estimates made at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to many other businesses in the culture and creative sector our income has thus remained stable during the first year of the pandemic.



*To display the figures, please move the mouse pointer over the graphic.

2020 revenue structure

As expected, collections in the public performance sector collapsed due to COVID-19-induced closures of clubs, restaurants, hotels and many other places by nearly 40%. Broadcast remuneration paid by private radio and TV channels also declined. This decrease could, however, be offset by a growth in income from the private copying remuneration (reproduction).

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Annual comparison of the number of GVL right holders

GVL managed to continue the trend of constantly growing the numbers of rights holders in the 2020. Overall, GVL represented 166,635 rights holders.

Distributions and payouts

Annual comparison of paid out remuneration

Despite the exceptional year due to COVID-19, GVL distributed €283.3m to its rights holders. This is an increase of €90m compared to the previous year where €193m were paid out (2019). In total, €292m were allocated to rights holders last year.

As such, the remuneration paid to our rights holders in the financial years 2018 to 2020 stayed steadily above the gross distributable amount of the respective financial year. In 2020 alone, more than €100m more were paid out. Reserves were significantly reduced, particularly in 2018 and 2020 as a result of the final performers’ distributions for the years 2010-2012 (2018) and 2013-2014 (2020).

In 2021, the objective of GVL continues to be that every distributable cent is paid out.

Thanks to consolidated IT systems in 2020, we carried out all regular distribution runs as scheduled and were able to allocate advances and corona support payments to our rights holders. Overall, eight distributions were processed in 2020, including a total of 31 distribution events; in addition, we forwarded international payments.

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Focus: COVID-19

From the first day of the COVID-19 pandemic, GVL staff were working from home. GVL has already drawn a positive conclusion from this period.

Due to many cancelled events in March 2020, it became clear very quickly that many of our rights holders would find themselves in an exceptional financial situation. We intended to provide quick and unbureaucratic support via various measures.

Culture is an indispensable part of a society and creates space for understanding and community, for exchange and democracy. Together with the leading associations of the music industry, among them the four shareholders of GVL, we stood up for the interests of more than 160,000 rights holders in the corona year at social and political levels.

Studies on the German music business landscape

As part of the German creative industry, GVL is involved in two pivotal surveys on the German music landscape sectors: The music business survey and the music usage survey.

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Initiative Musik in the year 2020

Since the middle of last year, Initiative Musik, whose main associate is GVL, has been contributing several sub-programmes to NEUSTART KULTUR, which is the rescue and future programme of the Federal Government for the culture and media sector.

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GVL grants and culture support schemes

With our grants, we take on responsibility for the creative sector above and beyond our distributions. We make up to five percent of our annual distribution volume available for supporting measures. On the basis of grants for cultural and social purposes, GVL rights holders benefit directly, but also indirectly when money reaches them via the promotion of cultural-political projects. Apart from other projects, we supported the following organisations in 2020:

Felix Mendelssohn university competition 2020
Felix Mendelssohn university competition 2020

The Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy university competition is organised by the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation in collaboration with the Vice Chancellors’ Conference of German Universities and the Berlin University of the Arts. The competition is carried out in two subjects each year: in the subjects singing and string quartet between 15 and 19 January 2020.

More info: fmb-hochschulwettbewerb.de


Preis Innovation 2020
2020 Innovation Prize of the German Orchestra Foundation
2020 Innovation Prize of the German Orchestra Foundation

In order to publicise and honour innovative developments of our music landscape on a national level, the German Orchestra Foundation awards the “Innovation Prize”. It is awarded each year by jury with the artistic director of the Cologne Philharmonics, Louwrens Langevoort, chairing it.

In 2020, the WDR Big Band received the “2020 Innovation Prize”. Furthermore, the State Orchestra Stuttgart and the SWR Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart were jointly awarded a special prize.

More info: preis-innovation.de


Konzertreihe des Handiclapped
Concert series of the Handiclapped – Kultur Barrierefrei e.V.
Concert series of the Handiclapped – Kultur Barrierefrei e.V.

Handiclapped has been holding concerts for people with and without disabilities since 2008. With the support of the GVL promotion for 2020, the association organised four barrier-free and inclusive concerts. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the concerts were transmitted via live stream. At each concert, one band with musicians having an impairment and one band with musicians without an impairment performed live on stage. Altogether, eight different bands performed at each of the concerts.

In June 2021, Handiclapped was awarded the APPLAUS of Initiative Musik for the culturally outstanding live music series “Inclusion rocks! Music for all”.

More info: handiclapped-berlin.de



OPUS Klassik 2020
OPUS Klassik 2020

In 2020, the OPUS Klassik awarded extraordinary musical performances in the classical for the third time in a row. Across a total of 25 categories, the music prize presented the broad spectrum of artistic creation and the wonderful variety of classical genres. GVL has been a partner of the OPUS Klassik since 2019 and is supporting the award in the course of its cultural-political grants and benefits.

More info: www.opusklassik.de

VUT Indie Days
VUT Indie Days 2020
VUT Indie Days 2020

Since 2013, the VUT has been regularly organising the Indie Days, Germany’s biggest platform for recorded music. The VUT Indie Days are considered to be the meeting point for the independent music business from Germany and abroad. GVL is regularly present during the VUT Indie Days in the course of the Reeperbahn Festival. In 2020, with the workshop “GVL for musicians, self-promoters and labels”.

More info: vut.de/vut-indie-days



“To continually improve is what drives us”

Interview with Marc Westphal, IT department manager

GVL has undergone a fundamental change during the past years: Today, IT systems are an integral part of the value creation and digital data processing is the core of the business model. We spoke with Marc Westphal, IT department manager, about this development.

Click here for the interview


In dialogue with GVL

Over the past years, we have been working intensively to improve our processes, portals and data. A lot has already been achieved at GVL. Some of it is still being implemented, while other crucial items are yet to be realised next year. To talk about this suitably and to inform about the modernised processes in a comprehensive manner is part of this learning process at GVL.


VUT: Fourth GVL shareholder

GVL managed to gain a fourth shareholder with the VUT (Association of Independent Musicians and Music Companies). The VUT includes about 1,200 performers which are self-marketing, labels, publishers, distributors, producers etc.

“We are pleased to have gained the VUT at our side as another shareholder who is going to support its members’ interests with a lot of passion and will be giving them a strong voice when it comes to managing their rights” say Guido Evers and Dr. Tilo Gerlach, Managing Directors of GVL.

Additional shareholders are the Bundesverband Musikindustrie e.V. (BVMI)[Federal Association of the Music Industry], the Deutsche Orchestervereinigung e.V. (DOV) [German Orchestra Association] and the Bundesverband Schauspiel e.V. (BFFS) [Federal Association of Acting].